The Kinsey Sicks Storm Sebastopol Sunday
The Kinsey Sicks will perform Sebastopol Community Cultural Center Sunday, June 14th at 7pm
A Sensation! With a phenomenal performance record that includes an Off-Broadway show, an
extended run in Vegas, two feature films, eight albums, and appearances throughout the US (in
over 40 states), Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Australia, The Kinsey Sicks hardly need an
introduction. For over 20 years America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet has served up
a feast of music and comedy to audiences at performing arts centers, music venues and comedy
festivals in every kind of town you can imagine! Their award-winning a cappella singing, sharp
satire and over-the-top drag have earned the Kinsey Sicks a diverse and devoted following.
Th Kinsey Sicks were, in fact, contestants in Season 3 of America’s Got Talent. Their first
About the Event:performances brought standing ovations from the audience and gushing praise
from both Sharon Osbourne and Piers Morgan – the only thing they agreed on that year. A Kinsey
Sicks performance was even used as the Season 3 trailer. However, once show producers
caught wind of the Kinseys’ brand of politics, flavor of humor, and personal hygiene, The Kinsey
Sicks were cheerfully shown the door, and the performance footage was left on the cutting room
Tickets: $35 Premium, $28 General Advance, $31 at the door
For Tickets and Information:
SCCC Website: or Phone: 707-823-1511
Ticket Link:
In 1982 the Sebastopol Community Center was founded to provide a vehicle for the citizens of Sebastopol and surrounding areas to come together within an expanded community. Committed to quality education and enrichment, the Sebastopol Community Center also originates and develops recreational and service programs. Our center provides the facilities to meet these community needs at all levels and for all ages.
SCCC is a non-profit agency which supports itself through fees for services, fundraising efforts, and donations. SCCC operates its programs on a non discriminatory basis and gives equal treatment and access to services without regard to age, gender, race, or National origin. Please consider donating to us. Donations insure our continued service to the people of this community.