Shakespeare in the Park!
Pegasus Theater Company is pleased to present William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as the inaugural performance at the newly-opened Riverkeeper Stewardship Park in downtown Guerneville.
Yes, it’s in iambic pentameter (incidentally, so is your heartbeat). It also uses archaic language and everybody knows that there may be jokes that only an English teacher could love. Nobody, though, really needs this play translated; we all instinctually understand what deep meaning it has: Namely, sex. It is a play about choosing who we want to have sex with and when.
The play is also about flaunting your disrespect for autocratic authority and taking whatever path you want regardless of the risks. Sometimes there are happy endings, and sometimes you end up looking like an ass. Just ask Titania and Bottom.
While in Shakespeare’s day men would have played all the roles of women, we have cast all women in the roles of the two sets of young lovers. This, happily, has turned the play into a joyous celebration of the Supreme Court’s recent recognition of the fundamental right of gays and lesbians to marry.
There will be 12 performances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, all starting at 6 p.m., beginning August 7 and running through August 31.
To make the play affordable by all, we are asking for donations only to help pay the expenses of producing the play. But if you can help pay the expenses by donating in advance on the crowdfunding website, your advance donation will guarantee you one of the best seats in the house for the performance date you choose. Donate now at
They won’t be taking any other reservations for this show. It will be first come, first served, with the gate opening at 5 p.m. They recommend you bring a cushion for the cement benches.
The Riverkeeper Park is located between the Sonoma Nesting Company and the footbridge over the river. You’ll find a map and suggestions about parking on our website at