Vintage House Celebrates Pride Month With New Programs
A reception to kick off new LGBT programs for seniors will be held at Vintage House Sonoma, 264 1st St. East, on Friday, June 23, from 2-4 p.m. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors are invited to enjoy refreshments and discuss ideas about LGBT specific programs and activities they would like offered at Vintage House while learning about the many current programs, classes and services. The Sonoma Valley LGBT Seniors Group has long held monthly discussions at the center.
The reception is part of the innovative LGBT Seniors Outreach Project of the Sonoma County Department of Human Services Adult and Aging Division, with partial funding provided by Community Foundation Sonoma County’s LGBTQI Giving Circle Fund.
“We want to ensure that all seniors, including LGBT seniors, feel welcome and valued in Sonoma County,” said Adult & Aging Division Interim Director Gary Fontenot.
Through the Project, Vintage House staff recently attended an LGBT cultural competency training focusing on the difficulties LGBT seniors experience in their communities and strategies to ensure they feel welcome in their local senior centers.
“We are excited about getting input from local LGBT seniors on more ways to provide programming and activities that encourage and excite participation from our diverse community,” said Vintage House Executive Director Cynthia Scarborough.
For more information about the Vintage House reception, contact Program Manager Camellia Wire at (707) 996-0311, or email