Hard-Hitting PRETTY BOY BLUE Coming-of-Age Novel Follows a Young Lesbian’s Tumultuous Journey to Self-Acceptance
Nikki Blue knew that she was different from other girls. One day, her slice of the American dream would include a white picket fence and a wife. While she looks like a debutante, she has the swagger of a cocksure boy—a dichotomy that is as mystifying as it is alluring.
In the debut novel PRETTY BOY BLUE by Monika M. Pickett, Nikki finally learns the value of self-love and the wisdom of the old adage “that which does not kill you will make you stronger.” PRETTY BOY BLUE (Next Level Publishing) is available on Amazon.com and PrettyBoyBlue.com.
PRETTY BOY BLUE is unique yet timeless narrative, sure to connect with many in the LGBQT community eager to see their lives chronicled with honesty and compassion. At the same time, author Pickett doesn’t shy away from describing Nikki Blue’s moments of steamy passion, emotional pain, questionable choices, and struggle to walk in her truth.
“The book is a coming-of age-story—think Invisible Life meets The L Word,” says Pickett, referring to the groundbreaking 1994 novel by the late E. Lynn Harris and Showtime’s TV influential episodic drama focused on a group of lesbian friends. “This book is needed in the marketplace to create understanding, communication and compassion between LGBTQ young adults and their families. Although the country is moving towards equality, there are many individuals who suffer in silence.”
About The Author
Pickett based some of the novel’s storyline on her own life, and wrote it to heal from a rare brain disorder. A former advertising sales executive with The Washington Times and the National Society of Black Engineers, Pickett is a veteran of the United States Army who served as a medic in Operation Desert Storm and received an honorable discharge in 1991. She earned a Masters of Human Services degree from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania in 2001 and an MBA from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, in 2005. She currently lives in Woodbridge, VA.
PRETTY BOY BLUE is available in paperback and e-book formats on Amazon. For more information, contact: www.prettyboyblue.com or info@prettyboy.com.
Next Level Publishing
Paperback ISBN 13: 978-0-692-888848-3
E-Book- ISBN 10: 0-692-88848-9