See what 3 lesbian BF’s get up too Down Under
There’s nothing better on a cold winter weekend is to stay inside with the heat turned up high and binge watch a whole LGBT Web Series. We have just discovered a perfect candidate too in POT LUCK a deliciously funny dramedy about three lesbian best friends in Wellington New Zealand.
Since Debs (Anji Kreft) had her heart broken six years ago she has taken herself off the dating scene and been going through a self-imposed dry spell. She is a wonderfully sweet shy butch and is very happy in her work as a security guard. Mel (Nikki Si’ulepa)is her very dapper best mate even though they couldn’t be more opposite. She owns a bar, is extremely outgoing and has an insatiable appetite for young lesbians half her age.
Every Tuesday evening the three women meet up for a Pot Luck supper, and after a lively discussion (!) one night they agree on a pact that contains a challenge for each of their different lifestyles. Debs must find a girlfriend, and Beth must ‘come out’ to her mother, and until they both have done that, then Mel must give up casual sex.
We’ve only just got through series one (out of two) so we cannot really tell you how it all resolves in the end, but witnessing the hilarious scenarios they land up in throughout their journey, is nothing short than a sheer delight. Debs discovers whether she’s ready to get back out there, Beth’s story sees her explore whether there’s more to life than always doing the right thing, and Mel starts to question her life choices and her relationship with Beth.
A witty script from writer/directorNess Simons, pitch-perfect performances, high production standards and a very relatable storyline that gay men will get a kick out of too. We cannot wait to start watching series 2.