California HIV Alliance Submits Budget Proposal to the State
The California HIV Alliance, of which Project Inform is a member, submitted their budget request to the State, urging the State to make strategic investments in programs that will increase PrEP uptake and other evidence-based prevention services, provide targeted HIV prevention and employment services for transgender women, address the health and psychosocial needs of older adults living with HIV and educate medical providers about advances in HIV prevention and treatment.
Specifically, we urge the Legislature to consider the following:
- $10 Million General Fund Annually – $10 Million General Fund Annually – Support Comprehensive HIV Prevention Services Including PrEP and PEP;
- $2 Million General Fund Over 3 Years – Support Demonstration Projects to Address Economic Empowerment and Linkage to HIV Care and Prevention Services for Transgender Women;
- $3 Million General Fund Over 3 Years – Support Demonstration Projects to Address the Health and Psychosocial Needs of Older Adults Living with HIV;
- $1 Million General Fund Over 2 Years – Develop a Public Health Detailing Initiative to Educate Medical Providers about HIV and STD Prevention;
- ADAP Rebate Fund – Modify PrEP Assistance Program to Provide More Comprehensive Coverage for PrEP and PEP.
Further, the HIV Alliance also supports a proposal from the California Hepatitis Alliance to provide $6.6 million General Fund annually for hepatitis C prevention, testing, and linkage to and retention in care. They also support a proposal from Essential Access Health to provide $10 million General Fund annually for STD prevention.
Finally, the HIV Alliance opposes Governor Brown’s proposal to eliminate 340B drug reimbursement within the Medi-Cal Program.