One in Three Employers Say They Are ‘Less Likely’ to Hire a Transgender Worker
In spite of The Equality Act, it appears that a staggering number of workplaces think that they can discriminate against transgender employees.
After a poll 1000 different workplaces, 43 percent of employers said that they are “unsure” if they would hire a transgender person in their workplace.
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Out of the 1 in 3 employers admitting they are “less likely” to hire a transgender person, just 8 percent said that they believe they should have the same rights to be employed as a cisgendered person, in a survey carried out by Crossland Employment Solicitors.
However, this transphobia is not limited to the workplace.
More than half – 51 percent – think Women’s Aid, the UK domestic violence charity, is wrong to consider lifting its ban on transgender women working in their refuges.
And, nearly a quarter – 23 percent – think that the Labour Party was wrong to open its all-women shortlists to self-identifying transgender women.
Beverley Sunderland, Managing Director of Crossland Employment Solicitors – who carried out the survey – said: “Our findings reinforce what bodies such as ACAS and the Women and Equalities Select Committee have been highlighting to the Government for years; trans identity is more complex than the law currently recognises.
“What’s most worrying is the high percentage of employers that are biased against transgender workers from the recruitment stage and beyond. And not just in one sector, but a prejudiced attitude that is found throughout both shop floor and management in particular in the retail and tech sectors. Whether this reflects a lack of understanding or simply a fear of a potential discrimination claim, is not evident.