Joyful Noise Gospel Brunch at Occidental Center for the Arts Feb. 11
Saturday February 23 @ 11 am. Gospel Brunch at Occidental Center for the Arts.
Please join us for a festive and inspirational event celebrating Black History Month at OCA! featuring the Joyful Noise Gospel Choir and traditional Southern cooking by West County’s own ‘Saucy Mama’! This event is generously sponsored by The Sonoma County Gazette and The Mirabel Lodge. OCA Art Gallery offers the stunning private collection of Raynetta James and a juried exhibit by local artists celebrating Black History; Feb. 1-24th. Tickets to the brunch (advance registration required): $35 Adults; ages 14 and up. $15 Youth 9-13 years; Free to ages 8 and under. Wheelchair accessible. www. for reservations and information. 707-874-9392. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct. Occidental, CA. 95465