All Are Invited to Face to Face Chat with SoCo Supe Gorin and HIV Medical Specialist May 1
Executive Director, Sara Brewer and the Face to Face team invite you to join us on Friday, May 1 at 4pm -4:30pm to learn about the work we have been doing since the COVOID-19 pandemic began. Although we can’t meet Face to Face right now, we feel it is important to take the time to connect with you. Zoom gives us the opportunity to stay engaged during these fragile times. Joining us will be First District Supervisor, Susan Gorin and HIV Specialist, Dr. Ele Lozares-Lewis from the Santa Rosa Community Health Center & Sutter Health to fill us in on where our community stands at this time. |
First District Supervisor, Susan Gorin joins in the conversation on May 1 to fill us in on Sonoma County’s Coronavirus response. | Dr. Ele Lozares-Lewis,HIV Specialist at Santa Rosa Community Health Center and Sutter Health joins us to talk about HIV and Coronavirus. |
The Details to join in the ZOOM Face to Face Virtual Connect Meeting : Topic: Face to Face ConnectTime: May 1, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 804 282 3821One tap mobile+16699009128,,8042823821# US (San Jose)+13462487799,,8042823821# US (Houston) |