Happening this Month at Marin’s Spahr Center
Covid-19 News for SeniorsSee the announcement in the next section about our Thursday senior zoom group on February 4th when a coronavirus and vaccine expert will join us to provide information and answer our questions. Sign up now to be informed of when you can be vaccinated. Marin County has a form online where you can sign up to be notified when vaccine is available for you. Since supplies of vaccine are limited, people 75 and over as well as healthcare workers and those in residential facilities are prioritized. As more becomes available, additional populations will become prioritized. Sign up for notification here. The best place to get Coronavirus updates and vaccine updates for Marin here and here, respectively. California Covid Vaccine Update. The latest California-wide information on the vaccine rollout, safety and more:here. Free, pop-up Covid testing sites in seven cities around the county: Bolinas, Larkspur, Novato, San Anselmo, San Geronimo, San Rafael, and Sausalito. You can see a schedule for each site and read more here. California is now offering covid vaccines to anyone over 65-years old & older. You can read more about the new policy here. Contact your healthcare provider for more information. A new allotment of Rental Assistance comes to Marin for those economically impacted by the pandemic. Read about it here and the new Eviction Moratorium here. |
To join the Spahr Senior GroupMonday, 7 to 8 pm,click the purple button below the Butterfly Heart. New participants are warmly welcomed! |
Topical Thursdays12:30 to 2 pm January 28What the World Needs Now Is …What does the world need now? We’ve experienced our world turned practically upside down in these past years. What would begin to make it right? Yes, changes in D.C. will bring some change, but much of our problem is local, neighbor to neighbor, people to people. Washington alone cannot fix all our problems. What wisdom would we share with the world as the elders we are if we could talk to it directly? February 4Covid and Vaccine Expert Joins UsTyler B. Evans, MD, MS, MPH, Deputy Public Health Officer; Chief, COVID-19 Immunization Branch, Marin County Health and Human Services Agency, will join our group to speak about the pandemic & the vaccine rollout. There will be plenty of time for him to answer our questions. Coming soon: Beyond the Binary: Gender and Pronouns IINancy Flaxman facilitates soon Check-in Mondays7 to 8 pm We catch up with each other on how we’re doing and have unstructured conversations focused on listening and deepening community. |
Buz Hermes is offering Aging Gayfully, his popular class, free through the Santa Rosa Junior College. And there’s a Continuing Class for those who have taken it in the past. It’s called a class but indeed, it’s as much a vehicle for community building and growth for LGBT seniors. You can sign up past the date of the first class. The Continuing class is evidence of the community-building and heartfulness of the experience seniors have in the class. You can reach Buz here: garydhermes@comcast.net |
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The Adventures ofPriscilla, Queen of the DesertSunday February 7 @ 7 pm A worldwide hit that’s become a cult classic, the 1994 Australian road comedy follows two drag queens played by Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce and a transgender woman, played by Terence Stamp, as they journey across the Australian Outback in a tour bus that they have named “Priscilla”, along the way encountering humanity in that remote part of the world as well as in themselves. You can watch the trailer here. On the off chance that we need to laugh aloud, we can watch Priscilla and have our hearts warmed at the same time. Rated 96% on Rotten Tomatoes and worth watching again if you’ve already seen it. It feels like Schitt’s Creek in different drag. – Bill Blackburn |
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![]() A new photography exhibit features LGBT seniors who had to live much of their lives hiding in the closet. Now liberated, their stories may well reflect some of our own. You can read great articles about it – and us – by clicking the following: NYT and NBCNews. |
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We encourage you to consider offering a song or a poem, play a favorite piece of music or maybe a tap dance, comedy routine or drag number. Jerry, our impresario, is incredibly skilled and patient in recording our acts on zoom well ahead of the show, making sure we performers are satisfied with the result. He will then strings them together to be shown in late February. Jerry Schmitz can be reached at jschm117@aol.comDebbie Alcouloumre at socialcommittee@comcast.net He already has three performances recorded and is looking for more… |
The Social Committee has been consistently offering fun events to offset the boredom of the pandemic. They want to celebrate your birthday if you’ll let them know when it is. They offer a women’s coffee plus a number of times to gather on zoom over games and conversation. To sign up for their emails, click here. |
California Department of AgingThe CDA has a website that is packed with information and resources relevant to the lives of seniors in our state. From Covid-19 updates to more general care for age-related health issues, access to legal assistance to getting home-delivered meals to help with housing, you may well find answers to your questions by clicking: here. |
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The Spahr Center has a number of tablets, i.e., small mobile computers, available to give to seniors for free!We’re also seeking ways to help teach seniors how to use them. If you would like to receive a tablet, please let Bill know: 415/450-5339 orbblackburn@thespahrcenter.org. The tablet would enable you to join our senior groups on zoom with video as well as access other parts of the internet. Please Note: We’re hoping to have the tablets individuals have requested begin to be available soon. |
Also in this email (below):Spahr has skilled therapists ready to work with seniors on a sliding-scale basis.Nutrition ResourcesBisexual Support zoom group forming through The Spahr Center. |
Building Community in the Midst of Sheltering-in-PlaceSee old friends and make new ones! Join us!The Spahr Center’s LGBT Senior Discussion Groupscontinue everyMonday, 7 to 8 pm& Thursday, 12:30 to 2 pm on zoom |
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To Join Group by Video using Computer, Smart Phone or TabletJust click this button at the start time, 6:55 pm Mondays / 12:25 pm Thursdays:Join GroupAlways the same link! Try it, it’s easy! |
To Join Group by Phone CallIf you don’t have internet connections or prefer joining by phone,call the following number at the start time,6:55 pm Mondays / 12:25 pm Thursdays:1-669-900-6833The Meeting id is 820 7368 6606#(no participant id required)The password, if requested, is 135296# If you want to be called into the group by phone, notify Bill Blackburn at 415/450-5339 |
Spahr’s skilled therapists are available to work with seniors on a sliding-scale basis. Write toinfo@thespahrcenter.org. A Bisexual Support Group is forming with The Spahr Center, facilitated by a therapist. Let Bill Blackburn know if you are interested. Whistlestop, renamed Vivalon, provides access to resources including rides for older adults. Please note: there is a 3-week registration process for the ride program so register now if you think you may need rides in the future. They also offer free classes on zoom including zumba, yoga, chair exercises, & ukulele! Click here. Adult and Aging Service’s Information and Assistance Line, providing information and referrals to the full range of services available to older adults, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers, has a new phone number and email address: 415/473-INFO (4636) 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays473INFO@marincounty.org |
The Spahr Center has opened its Food Pantry to seniors who need support in meeting their nutrition needs. We want to help! Items such as fresh meats, eggs and dairy, prepared meals, pasta, sauces, and canned goods are delivered weekly to people who sign up. Contact The Spahr Center for more information: info@thespahrcenter.org or 415/457.2487 |