This Month at SoCo Libraries
Celebrate National Library Week this week—and every week—with your library! Join us for virtual events all month long; from storytimes to book clubs, there’s something for everyone. All events are free and you don’t need a library card to attend, however registration is required. See a selection of April events below! Kids & FamiliesThis event is in Spanish. Join us on Tuesday, April 12, at 11:00 am for Spanish Music & Movement, a tour of culture, language, and fun! This weekly virtual presentation is not for sitting––your family will be active characters, participating with colorful scarves, instruments, and animals as you move to the sound of language. For children age 0-6. Celebrate Children’s Day/Book Day with us on Saturday, April 30! Children’s Day/Book Day is a celebration of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30. The library invites you to enjoy this tradition by reading! Stop by your local library on April 30 to pick up a free book, while supplies last. Tweens & Teens Want to write a resume but not sure where to start? Join our interactive teen workshop on Wednesday, April 6, at 5:30 pm! We’ll review the key aspects of a resume, how to tailor yours to best fit your application, and how to make your skills and talents stand out! Come with a resume draft if you have one, and we’ll guide you step by step to make your resume shine. For teens ages 13-18. Join us for a special panel discussion on censorship, intellectual freedom, and the power of literature on Saturday, April 9, at 12:00 pm! The panel includes author Maia Kobabe, illustrator Noah Grigni, and the director of Project Censored, Mickey Huff. Panelists will be joined by local teen activists for the discussion, followed by Q&A. Adults Celebrate National Poetry Month with your library on Saturday, April 9, at 2:00 pm! Join us for a virtual lecture with music historian Lars Rosager, M.A., who will share research andmodern perceptions of Sappho, the famed musician-poet of ancient Greece. Learn more about Sappho’s life and work, the history of music and poetry, and Sappho’s historical influence. Travel back in time with us on Saturday, April 23, at 11:00 am! Join us for a presentation on the art and culture of ancient Persia, courtesy of the Asian Art Museum. Uncover the unique artistic elements of this fascinating and dynamic region as exemplified by objects from the museum. Book Clubs Love book clubs? From Read BIPOC to Queer Book Club, we’ve got you covered. Check out the calendar for upcoming meetings, or click here for a list of all Sonoma County Library book clubs.This month’s Climate Circles Book Club is on Wednesday, April 20, at 6:00 pm. Celebrate Earth Day and discuss the climate crisis in community! Reading each book section is encouraged, not required, and all ages are welcome. Check out through the library catalog. Meeting are held every third Wednesday of the month. Spanish translation room available for all sessions. Looking for more? Explore the full calendar! Explore the CalendarThank you for being a member of the Sonoma County Library community. Visit us online or in person at one of our branches. Be sure to check out open jobs at Sonoma County Library here. Questions? Please call your local library branch or click here to send us a message. Eventos virtuales de abril Celebre la Semana de las Bibliotecas Nacionales esta semana, y cada semana, con su biblioteca. Únase a nosotros en eventos virtuales durante todo el mes; desde cuentacuentos hasta clubes de lectura, hay algo para todos. Todos los eventos son gratuitos y no necesita una tarjeta de la biblioteca para asistir, sin embargo se requiere registro. Vea una selección de los eventos en abril a continuación! Niños y familiasEste evento está en español. Únase a nosotros el martes 12 de abril a las 11:00 am para la Música y Movimiento en Español, un recorrido por la cultura, el idioma y la diversión! Esta presentación virtual semanal no es para sentarse, todos serán activos, participando con coloridas bufandas, instrumentos y animales mientras se mueven al sonido del lenguaje. Para niños de 0 a 6 años.Celebre el Día de los Niños/Día del Libro con nosotros el sábado 30 de abril. Día de los Niños/Día del Libro es una celebración de niños, familias y lectura que culmina anualmente el 30 de abril. La biblioteca le invita a disfrutar de esta tradición leyendo! Pásele por su biblioteca localel 30 de abril para recoger un libro gratuito, mientras que haya cantidades disponibles .Preadolescentes y adolescentes ¿Desea escribir un currículum, pero no está seguro de por dónde empezar? ¡Únase a nuestro taller interactivo para adolescentes el miércoles 6 de abril a las 5:30 pm! Revisaremos los aspectos clave de un currículum, cómo adaptar el suyo para que se adapte mejor a su aplicación y cómo hacer que sus habilidades y talentos brillen. Venga con un bosquejo del curriculum si usted tiene uno, y le guiaremos paso a paso para que su curriculum brille. Para adolescentes de 13 a 18 años.¡Únase a nosotros para una discusión especial sobre la censura, la libertad intelectual y el poder de la literatura el sábado 9 de abril a las 12:00 pm! El panel incluye a la autora Maia Kobabe, ilustradora Noah Grigni, y al director del Proyecto Censored, Mickey Huff. Los panelistas serán acompañados por activistas adolescentes locales para la discusión, seguidos por Q&A.Adultos |
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