Frameline 48: Sexy Call Boy Drama “Sebastian” Screens June 24
Struggling as a young aspiring writer in London, Max forges a new identity for himself in the form of a ravenous sex worker: Sebastian. Opening himself up to a previously unexplored world, Max suddenly finds himself unburdened by expectations and invigorated by possibility. When he begins writing thinly-veiled stories about his double life, Max finds himself with the book deal he’d been dreaming of. But as his newfound experiences spur a creative output, Max must decide where he ends and Sebastian begins.
With his confident sophomore feature, Finnish British writer/director Mikko Mäkelä (A Moment in the Reeds, Frameline42) isn’t afraid to explore the complicated nuances of sex work and the transformative power it can wield. As Mäkelä traces Max’s journey of self-identity (which is powerfully brought to life onscreen by actor Ruaridh Mollica), he opts not for sensationalism but tenderness. The result is a thoughtful, compelling investigation of the importance of queer identities and how they shape us.
Expected Guests
Mikko Mäkelä
Ruaridh Mollica
James Watson
JUNE 24, 2024 6:00 PM — 7:40 PM
Vogue Theatre