Frameline 46 Review: “Petit Mal” Directed by Ruth Caudeli

Anto, Marti, and Lai are a throuple blissfully living together in a remote house, with nothing but their beloved bundle of dogs keeping them company. When Lai leaves for a work trip, the balance is thrown off and Marti and Anto must adapt to being just the two of them. Suddenly, the dreaminess of their secluded home becomes isolating, and all they have to rely on is each other. In the spirit of honest and vulnerable openness, this semi-autobiographical blend of documentary and fiction from writer-director Ruth Caudeli (Second Star on the Right, Frameline43), who also plays Lai, is an invitation to experience the intimate details, both unique and universal, of the ups and downs and shifting dynamics in a polyamorous relationship.

Presenting a fresh and exhilarating perspective, full of tenderness and free of judgment, bolstered by beautifully grounded performances by all three actors (including Caudeli’s frequent collaborators, Silvia Varón and Ana María Otálora), this charming indie gem is brimming with a radical sincerity that is impossible not to get swept up in.

This film will screen at New Parway JUNE 25, 2022 8:30 PM — 10:03 PM

And stream online JUNE 24, 2022 12:01 AM — JUNE 30, 2022 11:59 PM